Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Souvenirs of Solitude: Finding Rest in Abba's Embrace by Brennan Manning

Page 31 

(Commenting on Luke 15:11-32 - The story of the prodigal son):
The emphasis is not on the sinfulness of the son but on the generosity of the father. We ought to reread this parable periodically if only to catch the delicate nuance at the first meeting between the two. The son had his little speech of sorrow carefully rehearsed. It was an elegant, polished statement of sorrow. But the old man didn't let him finish it. The son had barely arrived on the scene when suddenly a fine new robe was thrown over his shoulders. He heard music, the fatted calf was being carried into the parlor, and he didn't even have a chance to say to his father, "I'm sorry." The theme is that God wants us back even more than we could possibly want to be back and that we don't have to go into great detail about our sorrow. All you have to do, the parable says, is appear on the scene; before you get a chance to run away again, the Father grabs you by your new robe and pulls you into the banquet so you can't get away.


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